
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Project Providence Part 2

Hello everyone!  As many of you know, I recently started a project to send all the sailors of the USS Providence care packages.  It has been quite the under taking and so much work, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I am truly humbled and amazed at how well this project has come together.

Throughout this journey over the last couple of weeks, I've talked to so many people.  From friends and family to complete strangers across the country, and even members of other branches of the military, people have come together from all walks of life to support Project Providence.  It has been so amazing to see it unfold.

Our original goal was to raise $4,000, but that included not only the totes we needed to buy for our guys, but all the goodies needed to fill them.  Our plan was to send every individual crew member a care package.  And that is still our plan, one way or another, we're gonna make it.

I am so thrilled to tell you though, that our new goal has changed from $4,000 to $2,900.  Why is that? Because so many people have come together to make sure this project succeeds.  People from all over our country have rallied to send us countless goodies to fill the totes.  We've received boxes of fruit snacks, trail mix, gum, Wonka candies, Sour Patch candies, decks of cards, toothbrushes, combs, and dental floss.  And that's not all, there is more on the way!  Teddy Grahams, crackers and peanut butter, pop tarts, ball point pens, Wet Ones wipes... just to name a few!  We have also raised $1,540 toward our goal of $2,900!

The cards, letters, and even drawings from kids are rolling in as well.  Every time I look at them, I get emotional and teary.  To stop and think about how many strangers care about our boys and support what they do, and that they too are just as thankful as I am for their sacrifices.  It's unreal.

It's just the most amazing thing to witness, and to know that I had a part in it is quite humbling.  It's been an emotional journey, and sometimes overwhelming.  But all in a good way.  I am just in awe at the generosity of others.  At how complete strangers can come together for one common cause, because they want to help me support our sailors.  There really are no words that even come close to explaining how I feel.  I am just so truly thankful for all of the amazing people I have met on this journey.  Project Prov. would not be happening without any of them.  I thank my lucky stars every day for all of them.  Every single one.

We still have about 4 days until our deadline to meet our goal.  And we can use all the help we can get. If you would like to help us send care packages to our sailors, please check out Project Prov. on Facebook.  There, you will find all sorts of information on our project, as well as photos of what we have going on with donations.

Donations are greatly appreciated.  Even if it's just $5.  Every little bit helps.  We are just so grateful for everything and everyone.  We are truly blessed.  Thank you to everyone who has helped us with this great journey.  With kindness, all things ARE possible!
