
Monday, February 18, 2013

Playing Catch Up

I realized today that it's been months since I've updated my blog.  These last months have flown by since my pirate left on deployment in August.  My 2 year old and I have managed to keep busy with things like toddler gymnastics, messy art class, visiting Stay and Play, taking in the Mystic Aquarium, and visiting friends.  My parents came to visit at Christmas, and it was great having them here for the week.  While little mister and I do stay busy, it can get monotonous, so my parents' visit was a nice change from the daily goings on of mommy and toddler.

Let's see, since the last time I posted, the boys on the boat got all of their totes and Project Prov. was a huge success.  I still can't believe how so many people came together to show their support for our boys.  They did take lots of pictures, but we haven't received any, yet, as they're on the ship's camera, so we have to wait until they return home to get to see how the delivery went.  I received so many kind words from wives and the crew about how much they enjoyed the goodies, and I am forever grateful for all the the help received in making this project a success.  To those of you who helped, thank you.  I am forever humbled by your generosity.  The boys are now finally on their way home, and will be here in a few short weeks.  I know there is a little boy who can't wait to see his daddy.  And neither can I, so let the countdown begin!

In January, my 2 year old, myself, and a very good friend took our very first international trip overseas to Paris, France!  We were originally supposed to go and see the pirate, but of course, at the last minute their boat schedule was changed and he didn't get to meet us in Paris as planned.  But... it's ok.  We still went and had an amazing time.  A truly awe-inspiring experience that I will never forget.  Instead of staying in a hotel, we rented an apartment for the week, and let me just say, if we ever make it back to Paris some day, we'll stay in a rental again!  Our apartment provided us with a full kitchen, as well as a washer and dryer, which meant less clothes we had to pack which made suitcases lighter.  And, since we had the kitchen, it gave us the perfect opportunity to check out local open markets where we could bring home all sorts of goodies and cook meals in the apartment.  We also discovered just up on the corner from our apartment was a little bakery with the most spectacular paninis and pastries.  What better way to experience the culture???  The food was simply wonderful.  We also lucked out in that the subway was just around the corner, and it provided us a way to get to just about anywhere in the city we wanted to go.  From the Eiffel Tower to a boat ride down the Seine, from Notre Dame to the Arc du Triomphe and the Louvre.  And even a short train ride to the palace of Versailles.  So many sights to behold, and no hotel would have provided us with such a great experience.  My only regret was that my husband couldn't be there with us, but that gives us the chance to go back and visit together some day, which I fully intend to do.  Maybe next time we'll visit more than just Paris!

Now... we just wait our pirate's return!