
Monday, February 25, 2013

Working From Home

Shortly before my son was born, I left my job at the bird store I'd worked at for quite some time.  Since then, I've been a stay at home mom.  Honestly, I love being a stay at home mom, because I get to be with little mister C every day.  I get to witness all his milestones, along with all of his silly antics along the way.  But I won't lie, it has it's moments when I'd love to get away for a day and work a regular job.  I do miss work.  I've never not worked since I was 16.  So some days I do go stir crazy.  I have kept C busy with swimming, toddler gymnastics, messy art, and various other activities that get us out and about.  And I love it all.  But sometimes, Mommy needs some me time.  This deployment in particular has tested my limits a lot, and needless to say, I'm grateful that it's almost over.  Just a few more weeks and my pirate will be home.

In the mean time, however, I've looked into going back to work eventually.  But, the downside to that is not being home with C and missing out on all the things he manages to surprise me with every day.  Day care here is also crazy expensive, and for a long time, I couldn't justify working a full time job just for the entire paycheck, and then some out of pocket, to go to paying for day care.  Defeats the purpose.  So in my quest to figure out a way to earn a little extra income from home, some friends suggested I look into Thirty-One Gifts.  I was highly intrigued.  Not only would it allow me to work from home, but I could set my own hours, work as much or as little as I wanted, and I could still spend time with C.  So in June 2012, I bit the bullet and signed up to become an Independent Consultant for Thirty-One, and I have enjoyed every minute of it.

I'm sure some of you are probably wondering what Thirty-One really is.  It's a direct sales company, like Pampered Chef, Tupperware, Avon, Mary Kay, Origami Owl, etc.  I'm so NOT a kitchen person, so something like Pampered Chef and Tupperware were out.  Mary Kay?  Well, for those who know me, I'm not a girly girl, I don't wear makeup, nor do I know anything about it!  But Thirty-One, I found that practical, and months later, I still feel that way.  I love that it's all based on organization, from organizing your home to your car to your office.  They have bags and utility totes for just about everything.  They're versatile and useful, for everything from hauling groceries or camping supplies to sports gear and diaper bags.  What more could I ask for in a product?

Another thing I love about Thirty-One is that they are all about encouraging and rewarding women.  I love being rewarded for a job well done, and feeling like I matter.  I'm a shy person by nature, and being a consultant has helped me build up a little more confidence.  I'm gaining a little more confidence every day.  Another great thing is that they love to reward their hostesses for great parties with credit for free items, half-price items, and hostess exclusives that you can only get by hosting a party.  Who doesn't want FREE stuff???

It's been an interesting journey, and one that I hope to continue.  It's allowed me to meet new people and work as much or as little as I want.  Allowed me to spend as much time with little C as I want.  And not only do I find their products useful and beneficial, but I use them myself.  I enjoy working for a company where I can be my own boss, and stand behind a product I would use myself.  If it wasn't something I would use, why sell it?  I love Thirty-One!

If you'd like to know more, visit my website for more info!

Along this journey, I've also recently discovered a new little company called Damsel In Defense, of which I have also just joined and I can't wait for this journey to begin!  Damsel In Defense believes in equipping, empowering, and educating women about self defense products and self defense education. DID wants to provide women with products that they actually feel comfortable using should a situation arise in which they need to defend themselves.  They WANT women to feel comfortable about arming themselves.  And let's face it, walking into a gun shop or otherwise to purchase self defense items isn't always enticing to a woman, it's rather intimidating.  So what better way than to take that intimidation away than by hosting a party with your closest friends right in your own home?

Food for thought... 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime and college age women are 4 times more likely to be assaulted.  Every 2 minutes, someone in the US is sexually assaulted, and approximately 2/3 of assaults are committed by someone known to the victim.

Scary isn't it?  Enter Damsel In Defense, a company wanting to make women feel more secure in protecting themselves.  One of the things I love about DID is that their products are not only functional, but are cute and sassy. One stun gun is even disguised as a cell phone and another as a lipstick.  To me, that's a lot less intimidating than a regular stun gun, and no one would even be the wiser that you had it.  DID even offers a door alarm to use at home or in a hotel that sounds off at 120 decibels to wake you up should someone try and open your door.

Are you a hair dresser, office clerk, nurse, college student?  Often finding yourself walking to your car late at night in the dark?  Are you a military spouse often home alone for months while your spouse is deployed?  Do you know a woman in any of these situations?  If you can answer yes, then be sure to check out Damsel In Defense.  They offer products for just such a thing, from pepper spray and kubotans to personal alarms, emergency auto tools, and stun guns.  Granted, pepper spray and stun guns are not legal in all states, so please be aware of your state laws.  It's also smart for any woman to take a self defense course of some sort, to better equip herself when using self defense weapons.

If you'd love to know more about Damsel In Defense, be sure to check out my website for more info!

Note: The views expressed here are solely my own and not those of Thirty-One Gifts or Damsel In Defense.